
How To Paint 15mm Napoleinics Fast

combatpainter Fezian 07 Jan 2012 v:25 p.g. PST



GarryowenSupporting Member of TMP 07 Jan 2012 v:fifty p.g. PST

Yeah information technology is. I use basically the same system of aforementioned pose figures on a painting base and the one or ii stroke process. The important things are if you have to turn the painting base, you lot should not be soing that stroke yet; and you exercise not want to have to change your identify of focus on the figure. Those things are the keys to the assembly line.

I prefer a paingin block that is thicker than a tongue depresser. I think mine are about 3/4" x about 1 1/2" x about 6". I mount the figures on the 3/iv" border. The larger block is easier to pick upward than a tongue depresser. Also, if yhou need to brace your hands at all this size works smashing.

I practice non sympathise people who put each figure on a separate paing base, and/or paint all of a single colour on a figure, and and so practice that on the next effigy, and and then on. The eye/hand focus, rotating and picking up the figure, all waste product time.

You want to be like a robot or painting motorcar.

I have painted over 900 15mm Napoleonic figures since mid-July using the method I have described.


John LeahySupporting Member of TMP 07 Jan 2012 six:54 p.thousand. PST

Tom yous're a painting machine! grin



combatpainter Fezian 07 Jan 2012 7:39 p.m. PST



Given up for good 08 Jan 2012 iii:32 a.m. PST

Very impressive.

One inverse I would make is to put the superglue on each effigy not the rectangular base – having well-nigh stuck myself to a base of operations due to having them laid out I'grand much happier to practice information technology this fashion grin It is a bit slower though.

Now stop messing nearly with these figures and become back to the one true calibration link !

Fatty Wally 08 Jan 2012 three:58 thousand. PST

It definately works. I utilize virtually the exact same arrangement in my speed painting besides.

Jamesonsafari 08 Jan 2012 5:10 a.g. PST

I've tried painting on popsicle sticks… my hand cramps upward.

Cackle Fezian 08 Jan 2012 6:fourteen a.m. PST

Keen production, Comrade! Yous had me rattling my Sabre as I read your weblog. Fourth dimension for some rousing patriotic music


ancientsgamer 08 Jan 2012 xi:55 a.1000. PST

I tip that I picked up and will adopt is to mount equally suggested but so add a handle to easily grip things. I accept some cut upwardly 1" doweling or you could utilise old medicine bottles etc. Much easier to hold on to and you lot can easily rotate your stick of figures also.

I accept seen some just use a thicker piece of wood and just mount the figures on the thickness of the woods. I don't like this method as it is heavy and you lot can't easily rotate your figures.

Promise I am making some sense here…

For those that speed paint, practice you also try and make it the details with this or are you just moving along and fugitive them? I have an sometime video of speed painting Napoleonics but they withal paint in the turnbacks, etc. The one-time video says you should be able to paint upwardly betwixt 80 and 144 15mm figures in a total days worth of painting.

dglennjr 08 Jan 2012 12:06 p.m. PST

That'southward basically how I exercise all of my 15mm (ACW, AWI, Nap's) and 20mm (WWII, Vietnam, Modern) troops.

Thanks for showing it equally a great tutorial.

laptot ten Jan 2012 7:thirty a.m. PST

I like individual mounting on roofing nails with hot glue. I can spin the figure and this works for me as I like to dry brush. Can't say if this is slower.

Personal logoSteve RoperSupporting Member of TMP x Jan 2012 12:26 p.m. PST

I like spinning as well equally y'all laptop and and so I mount the natural language depressors on a wooden block with a dowel for the handle. Best of both worlds.

Moqawama 25 Jan 2012 x:27 a.1000. PST

Is this feasible for 10-12mm as well or they are besides tiny?


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