
Can You Update To A New Version Of Microsoft Without Losing Anyhting

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How to reinstall Windows ten without losing data

Reinstalling Windows 10 can wipe your system clean; hither's how to keep your files intact

When your PC suffers a error and every fix fails, a frequent cure-all is to reset your PC. This can as well use to operating systems, including Windows ten.

If yous go along running into blue screen of expiry (BSOD) errors, or your PC is noticeably slower or hangs indefinitely, reinstalling Windows 10 is a safe bet to mitigate reanimation and loss of work. Reinstalling Windows 10 may also opposite a faulty update, security patch, or driver installation or update.

Microsoft eases the resetting procedure with the pick to retain existing data during reinstallation.

In this guide, nosotros'll explain how to reinstall Windows ten and reset your calculator to its default settings without losing data, including of import files, personal data, and programs.

How to factory reset Windows 10 without losing data

Microsoft offers three processes for resetting Windows 10 without losing the existing data on the arrangement. You can choose either procedure and achieve the same results.

Method 1: Using the "Reset this PC" option

To reset your Windows ten PC using the "Reset this PC" pick, apply the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the Windows start button on the bottom left-mitt corner of the screen to open the settings carte du jour.
  2. Click "Settings."
  3. Click on "Update & Security."
  4. In the left pane, select "Recovery."
  5. Nether"Reset this PC," click "Go started."
  6. Cull the "Keep my files" option in the popup message. Continue in mind, subsequently this footstep, your device will update to the latest Windows ten version.
  7. If y'all are upgrading your PC from a previous version of Windows to Windows 10, you will see a warning message stating that you won't be able to undo the upgrade or rollback to the previous version of Windows. Click "Next" to continue.
  8. Click the "Reset" button in the "Set to reset this PC" interface. Your PC will reboot and begin to reinstall Windows 10.

Note: The "Reset this PC" feature on Windows is arguably the fastest way to reset your PC. In that location is a caveat: "Reset this PC" allows you to keep files only. The reset will uninstall all user-installed apps and programs. To avoid missing out on pre-existing apps, drivers and programs, brand sure yous have backups of all your important information before scheduling a reset.

Method 2: Using the Advanced Startup bill of fare

To reinstall Windows 10 using the Advanced Startup selection, use the post-obit steps

  1. Click on the Start button on the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click the "Settings" on the left pane in the Start menu.
  3. Click "Update & Security," then click "Recovery."
  4. Click on the "Restart now" nether the "Advanced startup" section in the right pane. Windows volition restart into the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) mode. Alternatively, pressing the 'F11' button as shortly as you power on your PC will become you to the Windows 10 Advanced Startup options. This technique is benign when you can't boot your PC the usual fashion.
  5. Click "Troubleshoot" one time you enter WinRE mode.
  6. Click "Reset this PC" in the following screen, leading y'all to the reset system window.
  7. Select "Keep my files" and click "Side by side" then "Reset."
  8. Click "Continue" when a popup appears and prompts you to continue reinstalling the Windows ten operating organization.

Note: Similar method ane, you lot'll need to take a backup of all your data before resetting, as Windows volition simply save your files and wipe out apps, drivers and programs during reinstallation.

Method 3: Using Windows ten ISO paradigm file

An ISO file, commonly known as ISO image, is an annal file that contains an identical copy or image of data found on an optical disc, such as a CD or DVD. It allows you to reinstall Windows x and keep files given your computer is bootable.

Here are the steps y'all need to follow to reinstall Windows 10 using ISO prototype:

  1. Download Microsoft's media creation tool to create Windows ten ISO file.
  2. After downloading the newly-created ISO file, right-click on it and select "Mount" to continue.
  3. Double-click the Setup.exe file at the root directory.
  4. Choose the correct pick when prompted to "Download and install updates." Choose the pick if your figurer is connected to the internet. If not, select "Not right at present." Click "Next" to continue.
  5. Click on "Change what to continue" in the subsequent popup window.
  6. Cull between: "Proceed personal files, apps, and Windows settings," "Keep personal files just," and "Nothing," according to your storage needs.
  7. Click "Next" to install Windows x.

Your PC will now reboot with the saved settings.

Restoring applications subsequently reinstalling Windows 10

Once yous've reinstalled Windows 10, it's fourth dimension to restore applications.

Begin by verifying your account: Go to Outset > Settings > Accounts > Your business relationship and click the "Verify" link to get the code required to add your PC back into the saved accounts list. Once verified, log in to your Microsoft account.

To restore previously installed apps:

  • Go to "Start" > "All Apps" > "Store."
  • Click on user (your) photo.
  • Select "My Library"  on the left pane to access all previously installed apps.
  • Click the "Download" push next to the app(s) you wish to restore.

Final thoughts

Windows x reinstallation can have a while, depending on your net connection and size of the files you choose to keep. Plugging your device into a ability source will ensure a low battery doesn't interrupt the process.

In situations where your PC is unable to boot, a recovery drive that stores a copy of your Windows 10 environment on a hardware source, such as a DVD or USB drive, can assistance restore your apps, programs and settings.

Recovery drives are as well useful when you're unable to access the Windows desktop to reinstall or troubleshoot your device. Timely fill-in of data can also prove helpful in easing the reinstallation process.

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